Thursday, February 18, 2010

January 2010

One day, Kylie wanted to sit at the table and eat with us. We let her and now we no longer use her highchair. What a big girl! I can't believe that this Sunday she will go into Nursery.
My little helper hard at work again. This time doing the dishes.
I just tied the blanket on and she didn't take it off. I thought she looked like a super hero with her cool jammies on so may the force be with you. She loves to write and is holding a crayon and paper in her hand.
On occasion, Kylie will set her chair down about 3 feet from the tv and hold the remote and have a little blanket on her. Jon and I laughed and wondered if this is how silly we look sometimes just chillin on the couch in a blanket with the remote in our hand. LOL!
Cutie girl already to go outside and play. She loves to go on walks, play at the park and kick a ball around outside.

1 comment:

The Kindle Family said...

She is so cute! Btw, I LOVE your house and all the "extras" that are in it!