Friday, June 19, 2009

Growing to Fast

Here Kylie is playing patty cake
She thinks she is such a big girl now with her sippy cup. I tried a lot of sippy cups before I found one she liked.  Happy to say these were the cheapest one's and she loves them.
This is the coolest thing ever! It's a rubbery strawberry looking pacifier.  It has been great while Kylie has been teething.  She loves her pacifier but when she wants to chew on something, this has been great.  I found it at HEB.
The look on her face is pretty funny.  She was holding on seriously for dear life.  When I hold her hands and walk with her, she uses the grip of death on my finger tips.  If I try to let go, she holds on tighter.  When I try to sit her down while holding her fingers, she will go almost compelety side-ways until I finally get her on her bottom.
Kylie was showing us her skills by standing up.  She's funny.  She will hold on to me with her one hand with the grip of death while she taps the table with the other.
Kylie will walk a few steps away from me, while holding onto my hands, touch the table, and then turn around and walk back to me.  She always wants a hug when she comes back.  Then she'll get back up and want to walk again.  This entertains both of us. P.S. I had just gotten home from the gym so just look at the cute one in pink!
Kylie army crawls everywhere!  She follows me around the house and whines and says mum mum until she finds me.
When Kylie is not crawling and laying down and reading books, she loves to babble and put her feet up...literally. 
Ever since she was little, my Mom would play patty cake with her feet.  She learned to clap with her feet and now claps her feet together and laughs and giggles about it.  It's almost like she is singing patty cake and then laughing when she is finished.  What a hoot she is!
"Alakazam!! Oh, I'm not big yet..."  Kylie loves this fairy wand.  She twirls it and switches it from hand to hand. She loves my high heeled shoes. Before we know it, she will be running around the house in them.  I can't believe how fast she is growing.
"Look at my beautiful teeth!!" She has two on the top and two on the bottom. The two on the side of the top are starting to poke through.
She loves to be silly.  She is quite literally the happiest baby ever!!  She's always jabbering and talking and smiling.  She is so content with herself.  At such a young age she is such a great example to me of how to be happy no matter what!
I love this little "bug."  My little Kylie is such a doll.  She is jabbering a lot now.  I can make out some words.  She calls doggies "ga-gees." I need a picture of her and some doggies because she LOVES dogs.  She squeals and laughs and is so excited when she sees any dog!  She loves to say Mama, of course and she says something for bottle and I can't remember.  Jon is so cute with her.  He only speaks Portuguese to her.  I think she gets it now.  She'll look at him when he's talking to me in English.  She loves to touch my cheek when I'm not looking at her as if to say keep the attention where it matters.  If I'm looking forward and not at her, she will move her head to the front of my face so I will be looking at her.  She is hilarious.  She claps now with her hands.  For the longest time she would only tap things together and not her hands. She loves patty cake.  When I sing it she starts to clap and tries to sing along.


Heather and Josh Wickern said...

Jon and Jessica! What a beautiful little girl! We still need to get together before we leave in about 2 months. I can't believe how fast she is growing either! In no time at all she'll be 2 and a half and you'll wonder where all the time went! lol

Tiff and Chris said...

Those are cutie pictures of her-the tutu fits well now! Thanks for coming to see the prospective houses today. Hopefully by this time next month we will be moving into one of them :)