Sunday, November 1, 2009

J-E-L-L-O anyone??

Hello Everyone!
So the updates on Jon...nada. We haven't gotten a letter, phone call or email. It's been hard not knowing how he's doing. I'm sure he's running a lot and loving it! I'm pretty sure this coming week he has to do a full medical check-up thing, which will include the Dentist!! Jon really doesn't like the dentist, at all. We were told before he left if he still had wisdom teeth, they would all be pulled that week. He will have all four removed at once (sad day). I hope he'll make an exception for jel-lo just this once.
This week was Halloween and Kylie was a lady-bug. SOoOo cute. We went to our ward's Truck-or-Treat and had fun. She got a sucker and fell in love with it. I think it's because she could eat it all by herself. She's a big girl now. She likes to do a lot of things on her own like brush her teeth, feed herself and drink from her sippy cup. She also loves to walk all by herself. She doesn't want to hold a hand all the time. She is a fast little stinker. I took her to the track at a high school here and she walked an entire 400 meters all by herself. She got distracted 3 or 4 times but never stopped. She pushed her stroller around half the time and the other half she just walked next to me. It was a lot of fun.
We went to Sea World on Halloween's Eve and saw the Shamu show. We went with my three sisters and my mom. It was sooo much fun. Are you ready for this...we sat in the splash zone in row numero uno!! This was not on purpose. It was seriously packed. There were 3 rows of people standing around the top on both sides!! Kylie was loving the music and lights. She was dancing and laughing so we knew we couldn't leave and miss the show. We looked across to the other side and saw lots of open seats in the splash zone. So we sat in the front row and said we would just run up to the top when we saw Shamu coming. How could you not see a gigantic whale coming? Well we didn't so we got wet. We turned our heads to the side so only one side of our bodies got wet. Amy was holding Kylie so only Kylie got wet because Amy used her as a shield, ha ha. I thought Kylie would freak but she was fine. I had a change of clothes with me so no big deal. The show was great and we had fun. I'll post pictures later of our little lady bug. We love and miss you all.

Jay and Kylie

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