Thursday, October 15, 2009

U.S. Coast Guard

A lot has been going on for us. My sweet husband has been unhappy with his job for awhile now so he decided it was time for a change...a big change. He has decided to join the U.S. Coast Guard and be a rescue swimmer. Many of you have seen the movie "The Guardian." Yup, that's what he'll be doing; jumping out of a helicopter and saving people. We don't know where we are going yet. We don't find that out until Thanksgiving week. We will then move at the end of December to wherever we are going. We would like to go to district 7 which includes Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina or of course Hawaii. Jon is leaving for boot camp on October 26th and gets back a week before Christmas. We move a week after he gets home. It has been crazy trying to get our house ready to sell. We thought we didn't have a lot of "stuff" but it turns out we do. I don't know why we keep everything. It feels so much more open and clear since decluttering our house, which wasn't really cluttered to begin with. Anyway, Jon is SO excited and ready to just go out there and jump out of a helicopter and save people. He's thought about being a fireman several times. I guess this is similar to being a fireman. You save people, you work 2 days and have 2 days off, and that's all I know. Sorry. Jon is really looking forward to this. He needs a job where he is active. He's not one to sit idly and work at a desk. He is loving his days off right now and has played something or lifted weights everyday on top of running or swimming that same day. He played ultimate frisbee this afternoon for 2 hours and right now, he is at the church playing Volleyball. He can't get enough exercise I guess. He is like the energizer bunny. He keeps going and going. A short update on our little Kylie and then I am off to sleep. She is hilarious. She jabbers a lot, holds out her hand when she wants something, likes to stomp her feet to the music, twirls around in circles, stops and says, "Whoa," after spinning, follows directions very well-when I ask her to go get her blanket she does, another example I asked her the other day where her shoes were? She looked down at her feet and then went and got her shoes so I could put them on. So smart I can't believe it. She asks all the time, "Da, da?" I think she's asking, "What's that?" or "Where's Dada?" She is amazing. I don't think I could love her anymore. She is my life and I love my little "Menina" (Portuguese for little girl) We love our families and hope all is well with each of you. We'll keep you posted on the upcoming changes.


melimba said...

so many big adventures coming your way?! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!


And, I know how you feel about your little Kylie. I feel the same way about Tillie. I mean, could you adore her any more? Probably not. So great.

Good work. Can't wait to hear where you will be off to!

nate_clarlaw said...

Wow! That is a big change for you guys! Tell Jon we say good luck! And good luck to you while he's away!

Nate & Clarissa